Thursday, June 2, 2011

P90X-Week 2

Here is my WEEK 2 journey:

Wednesday: Chest &Back; Ab Ripper X--Since I missed a day last week, I did not have a rest day.  Since I wasn't really sore after the Kenpo, I decided to just move right into Week 2.  I was able to do more this week than I was last week.  There are worksheets to keep track of reps and weights for the strength days.  This way you can see your progression.

Thursday: Plyometrics--This seemed harder today than it was last week.  It's a 60 minutes workout.  I ended up taking an extra minute break halfway through the workout.  The sweat was pouring.  For a few minutes I thought I might actually get sick, but I kept pushing through. I know some major calories were burned doing this workout.  I have been consistent with drinking the P90X Results &Recovery Formula.  It really does help me regain my strength and not be as sore after these workouts.

All sweaty after doing Plyo--but still smiling :)

My day started off with my husband needing me to help him load the trailer up with a bunch of junk that needed to be hauled off.  Most of the junk was heavy metal.  I was a slow helper trying to lift some of that, realizing I was really sore from the previous days' workouts.
After doing the shoulders/arms workout, I felt like Superwoman--strong, tight.  Yes, it was burning, but I know those muscles are doing what they are supposed to.

 I wasn't able to do Ab Ripper with the Intensity that I usually do because when starting to do those situps, I realized that my abs were sore from 2 days ago.  I did drink the Results/Recovery Formula.  It seems like I am not tired and sore after drinking it.  Tomorrow is Yoga-X. I'll have to get up early to get that one in (90 min)

Here is a sample of what Ab Ripper X looks like...

Saturday: Yoga (I substituted the 90 minute YogaX workout with Tony's Fountain of Youth yoga video)

When many think of doing yoga, they don't think much of it.  I'm here to tell you, it's tough.  Halfway through the workout, the sweat was dripping.  Breathing is SO important.  It's neat to see how your flexibility and range of motion improves as you get more into the moves.  I feel rejuvenated after this one today. Here is a WebMD article about the Benefits of doing Yoga.

Here is a video showing you a few of the moves...

Sunday: Legs & Back; Ab Ripper X
All I can say after doing this workout is that I'm a sweaty mess and my  legs are like limp noodles.  I was looking forward to drinking the Results and Recovery Formula afterwards.  I just hope I'm not as sore as I was when I did this workout last week.  Tony says in  to BRING IT!  and that I did today!!!

Thank goodness for this after these workouts!!
Monday: KenpoX Stay tuned for a video for today

Tuesday: REST DAY I wasn't going to take this day off, but ended up cleaning house most of the day.  I'm glad I did rest, because Wednesday morning, the scale had really moved.




  1. Way to bring it! Natalie! P90X has changed my life for ever! along with the great company that is Beachbody! great blog! keep up the great work...and keep us posted on your progress!

  2. Thanks Scotty. I will keep updating.

  3. Great review of your week! Keep bringing it!

  4. You're a huge example of why this program works! Your posts have inspired me to start P90X as part of my marathon training. And you're right, the P90X Results & Recovery drink is a huge part of why I was able to finish Rounds 1 & 2! Thanks for the great blog! And keep Bringing it!

  5. Great weekly review on P90X! Thank goodness for Results & Recovery!! That stuff works wonders. Even with it I always hurt after Legs & Back. That is one tough workout!
