Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The weeklong vacation is over and I'm rested up.  I'm going back to start WEEK 3 of P90X over again. I'm sure it will be tough trying to get back into it after being lazy for a week in Florida.

Monday-Chest/Back and AbRipper X + Turbo Fire (Fire 30 Class)
In the morning, I did Fire 30 from TurboFire.  I am needing to add in the extra cardio to try to help lose some of the vacation pounds I have gained.  I absolutely LOVE TurboFire so this is my FUN workout to do.
I was able to still use the same resistance and weights doing the same number of reps.  Those dang "dive-bomber" pushups are torture.  I am modifying but they're still not getting any easier. 

Tuesday: PLYO (the KILLER workout)
I'm pretty sore from yesterday, but waited until the afternoon to do Plyo.  I made it through giving it my all but was completely exhausted afterwards. I had absolutely NO trouble going to sleep Tuesday night.

Wednesday: Shoulders/Arms and AbRipper X

Thursday:  YogaX
The 1st 45 minutes were extremely difficult and I was so tempted to turn it off right then.  I paused the DVD, did a little self-talk, and then kept going.  It got better.  There were a lot of balance poses and then stretching which were a lot easier than the moves in the beginning.  I felt the moves in the back of my thighs on Friday.

Friday: No workout.  I kept putting if off then we had plans with friends so I never got in a workout.

Saturday: Legs/Back
The wall squats are a killer.  I enjoy this workout.  It's tough but definitely do-able.  I'll for sure be sore on Sunday. I skipped AbRipper X today b/c I ran out of time.

Sunday: KenpoX
This is my favorite of them all.  It's cardio kick-boxing.  It's fun and you really feel it in your core.
Here are some clips of some of the moves...

If you have any questions or need any help with the program you are doing, please leave a comment.


  1. Plyo is killer, way to push through!

    I think blogspot may be having an issue with picture uploading because I couldn't get pictures to upload either.

    Keep bringing it! :)

  2. Welcome home!! Good luck and keep it up!

  3. Dive bomber push ups do hurt at that spot in the workout. Your comment made me laugh. Keep up the hard work!
