Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's the Best Time of Day to Workout?

Researchers have been studying, though, the benefits of exercising in the morning vs. later in the day.
A new study found that subjects who were put on a high-fat diet and worked out before breakfast gained no weight after six weeks, while those who worked out after breakfast gained 3 pounds (those who didn't exercise at all gained 6 pounds).  The Benefits to Exercising Before Breakfast

Some people, though, can't exercise on an empty stomach in the morning so that makes doing this more challenging.  If I find I need something in the morning when I exercise, I grab a handful of almonds or a piece of string cheese.  You have to find what works for you.
Here is what is said about MORNING EXERCISE:
Pros: You kick-start your metabolism -- especially if you strength train -- so you burn more calories throughout the day.

Cons: Your muscles are more rigid, and your body needs fuel. Start your workout with 5 to 10 minutes of light walking to get the blood pumping and warm up the muscles (they're like taffy -- as they heat up, they get more pliable). In terms of breakfast, it is recommended eating a small snack or a piece of fruit such as a banana before your workout. Then, within an hour of completing your sweat session, your should chow down on 15 to 20 grams of protein (trail mix, yogurt with almonds or a whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter) to replenish and rebuild your muscles.

*Note:  EVERY workout should begin with a warmup that gets blood pumping into your larger muscle groups.  Your stretching should be done AFTER the workout.
Morning Exercise--Great read!!
Here's what is said about AFTERNOON EXERCISE:

Pros: According to experts who study circadian rhythms -- the natural highs and lows we experience throughout the day -- body temperature generally peaks between 2 and 4, which may make your muscles more pliable, so you perform better with a lower risk of injury.

Cons: Working out too close to bedtime may leave you too amped up to get a good night's sleep. And as you go through your day and responsibilities tend to pile up, working out is more likely to fall off the to-do list.

What is MY preference?
I prefer doing weights/strength training in the morning.  I do best doing cardio in the afternoons.  I do tend to have more energy in the afternoon and can put a lot more effort into the workout thus getting maximum benefits.

So...when is the best time to exercise?
The simple answer is simply whenever you will DO it and stick with it.  Find what works for you, SCHEDULE it like you would anything else in your day.  My workouts go on my "to-do" list.  They are non-negotiable

If you would like help or guidance in planning your workout times, please contact me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/natalierwelch or email me at nataliewelch@cebridge.net

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