Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Can a Workout Give YOU So Much Energy?

        So how can a workout give you so much energy?  If the music is pumping and the workout is so much fun, you will be amazed at how you feel during and after.  I am writing this tonight following a Turbo Fire workout.  The music in Turbo workouts is off the chain. It makes you want to just shake it!!  LOL
The workout was Fire 45, one of my favorites.  It has 3 HIIT workouts which are anaerobic drills to get your heart really pumping.  My all-time favorite part of the workout is the song, BOOM! I GOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!  Talk about working up a sweat, burning calories, and releasing a ton of endorphins!! 
       I absolutely LOVE it, when Chalene Johnson tells you to JUMP HIGHER, KICK HIGHER...GET DOWN LOW....YOUR NOT TIRED!!  CAN YOU DO MORE???  Talk about motivation!!  It's like she knows that maybe you're not putting your all into it and when she says those trigger phrases, it puts a whole new perspective on your workout.  I find myself talking back to her saying "Yes, I can jump higher.  Watch me kick. I'm getting LOW!  NO, I'm not tired at all.  ABSOLUTELY, I can do more!!  That's where your mind is your motivator to make your workout at a LEVEL 10. 
      Tonight, I decided to add the workout gloves and I'm telling you this makes the workout so much different.  You burn MORE calories. You are working more muscles.  I could really feel it in my core tonight.  If you are looking to make your workout tougher, which you should, or just to switch things up a bit, I highly recommend these gloves.
The gloves weigh .75 lb each and can be ordered from

If you are having trouble find a workout that you can stick with, please let me help you.  You won't be consistent if you don't enjoy your workouts.  Workouts should be challenging, but you also have to find something about them that will motivate you to stick with it.  If you know me, you know Turbo workouts are my thing!  These are a dance-style cardio-kickboxing workouts. The music is FANTASTIC and Chalene Johnson is so motivational.  This style isn't for everyone, but there are so many different ones out there to try.  So if you are lacking energy and are tired of feeling BLAH, it's time to get movin'!!!
On a side note...I am switching things up with my diet this week just to see the difference.  Instead of having Shakeology at lunch while I'm at work, I'm having it about 4:30 when I get home.  Then I'm drinking LOTS of water.  It seems to be really making a difference.  Not only am I having more energy, I can really tell it's flushing out my system and making me feel better overall.  Shakeology is absolutely AMAZING stuff!  If you are seriously interested in Shakeology, I have a few samples I can send out to people.  Just email me your address at or go to my Facebook page at and send me a private message.

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