Monday, January 17, 2011

Plan for the Week

Do you plan your week out? This is something I'm trying to really do better on.  I always have a plan in my head, but unless I write it down and refer back to it, things won't get accomplished. 
Tonight, I worked on my exercise schedule for the week.  With spring and other events coming soon, it's time to kick up the workout/nutrition plan.  This week, I'm going to be doing weights every other day, abs daily, and Turbo as my cardio. 

For strength training, I will do the Burn Circuit Phase of Chalean Extreme.  I've done this program before and IT WORKS!!! You can get this program for $30 off until 1/31 on my Beachbody website.

For abs, I'm doing Jillian Michaels 6 week/6 pack abs.  This one is tough but seems to be effective.
I'm also doing some of the shorter ab workouts on alternating days from Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire.

Cardio, which will be daily and will vary from HIIT workouts to kickboxing/dance workouts, will consist of Turbo Fire classes.

The biggest change in my nutrition this week will be having Shakeology for dinner instead of lunch.  I'm finding that when I have Shakeology at work, I cannot drink the water that I need to because I don't have time to go to the bathroom.  I'm a teacher, so trips to the restroom are severely limited!  Shakeology gently elminiates toxins so the more water I drink, I'm finding I need to run to the bathroom more often.  My plan is to drink it by 5:00 and then drink several glasses of water the following couple of hours.  This should also give me the energy I need to get through the evening.  I'm going to try it for a week to see if there is a difference.  If you have never tried Shakeology, I HIGHLY recommend it.  I can give you a sample to try.  I don't miss a day of drinking it.

Go to for more info

Is there something you would like  help with in your exercise and/or nutrition planning?  Please comment below.

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