Friday, April 29, 2011


No one ever said losing weight would be easy.  It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment, but it IS possible at any age.

Too many people use too many excuses why getting healthier just isn't a priority for them right now.

Here are some of the top excuses:

Yes, we are ALL busy, but with a little planning, you can eat healthy and find time for exercise. Plan your meals and snacks in advance.  Many people do batch-cooking where they cook once a week and freeze the meals.  When you get bags of foods, go ahead as soon as you get home from the store and divide the food up into correct portion sizes.  Keep healthy foods, such as fruits, on hand for quick snacks.  For exercise, you have to SCHEDULE  it.  Put it on your calendar like you would any other appointment and stick to it, even if it means getting up a little earlier or staying up a little later at night.  YOU are worth it.  Exercise helps you to handle tasks and stress better.  During your exercise time, really focus on what you are doing.  Make the time count.  This is YOUR time to for self-improvement.

All food has gotten pricey.  It's just a matter of priority.  Buy frozen fruits and vegetables.  Usually these are cheaper and you don't have to worry about them going bad.  Check out your local farmer's market for seasonal items.  Use coupons to save you money.  Add Shakeology into your diet.  At $3-$4 a serving, you can't find a cheaper meal that has all your daily servings of fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals.  It's the way to go.

If your diet is making you hungry, it's probably not a good diet. Cutting calories the healthy way--trimming portions from meals, skipping caloric beverages, and putting the brakes on mindless eating--should not leave your belly rumbling. Learn to listen to your body's hunger signals to determine if you really need to eat or are just bored. Eat approximately every 2 1/2-3 hours. This keeps you from being starved and overeating and also keeps your metabolism revved up.

You don't have time not to cook. . Twenty minutes of cooking healthy meals will save you excess calories you'd be taking in from oversized restaurant portions and time on the treadmill working that off.

Studies show that people who cook meals at home tend to eat more healthfully and weigh less than those who don't. Use these healthy packaged foods to cut down on kitchen time and arm yourself with the proper resources, such as a healthy cookbook for fast meals or easy recipes from your favorite Web site.  There are tons of sites and recipes out there for fast, healthy meals you can prepare to eat.

That is totally FALSE!! Exercise creates ENERGY!!! The more energy you have, the more you'll be able to get done every day.  Actually, the more you exercise, the more you WANT to exercise!! Squeeze in some kind of movement whenever you can throughout the day to give your body that energy boost.
You recharge your body through food, sleep, and exercise. Movement creates energy. It gets your heart pumping, blood pumping, cleans out toxins, and gets your engine started. It also gets confidence levels up so you feel better about yourself.

You can't diet.  It has to be a lifestyle change.  When you diet, you will gain the weight back as soon as your diet is over. Make changes in your diet, you can stick with. Keep track of what you are putting in your body. Allow yourself the occasional "cheat meal" not a "cheat day." Never skip breakfast. Be consistent with your strongest healthy habits.  Be prepared for your weaknesses by having healthy snacks on-hand.

No more excuses!  Decide to make the changes you know you need to make, Commit to a plan of action.  You will succeed if you stick to it. 

Please let me know how I can help you.  Feel free to contact me at or on My Facebook Page

1 comment:

  1. Speaking the truth...I like it!! So many people make excuses instead of just committing to just doing it.
