Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Gift of Life

Just thought I would share these thoughts...
Our family has been through a lot over the years. So many challenges we have faced since Day One.... being young parents, both of us getting college degrees while having 2 young babies who were both sick as newborns. Financial strains of unstable work conditions and going to school. Then the life-changing experience of losing a precious mother/grandmother unexpectantly at such a young age. Moving away from the place we grew up to try to start fresh, while still trying to take care of family members back home. Next, a 36-year old husband and father being diagnosed with head/neck cancer and going through an awful treatment that turned a very healthy man into a fragile human being. Praise God he is now healthy even though there are still side effects to deal with each and every day. The battles we now face in raising two teenagers in a completely distraught, yet very influential society. And now suddenly losing a healthy father/grandfather at a fairly young age. These are just of few of the major obstacles my crew has faced over the last 17 years. I know there will be many more challenges to face. Do we ever question WHY? Absolutely. That's human nature. Each and every obstacle we go through in life is part of God's major plan for us. He has a purpose for each and everything we go through, even though we don't usually see it immediately. Each obstacle we face and overcome, just allows our faith to grow and us to become stronger. Remember, if it doesn't kill you, it WILL make you stronger. You will become a better person than you were before.

The life lessons I have learned and have been reminded of over and over these last 2 years are to appreciate everything and everyone in your life. Never take ANYTHING for granted. You need to live each and every day like it's your last. You never know when it can be taken from you. Spend your days with those you care about the most. Make each moment count. Don't sweat the small stuff. Worrying doesn't help--that's where your test of faith comes in. Take care of your body and mind. We have been given this precious thing called life and it's up to us to make the most out of it. Enjoy the small things, spread love, share the faith, do things to help others. Get over yourself and make a difference in the world. Think about others and the effect you have in their life. What is your purpose? Give thanks to God for allowing you to have the ability to breathe and have a chance at life each day. Life is truly precious and is a gift.

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