Sunday, March 20, 2011

Do You have the Inner Drive to Make Changes??

This was a good article I read where physicians used motivational interviewing to help their patients slim down. You are more likely to lose weight and become healthier if you know the reasons YOU want to.  You have to do it for yourself, not to please others.  Here are some of the questions to ask yourself:

1.  What's my inspiration?  Your incentive to lose weight must have meaning and value to you.  This could be anything from getting off a certain medication or fitting into clothes you love to wear.  Experts say that's the only way you will take action and see lasting results. 

2.  How committed am I?  If you don't meet your goals, don't beat yourself up about it.  Take another look at what you are doing--or not doing.  Are there factors beyond your control?  Do you need new reasons to stay focused?  Even if you are discouraged because you are not seeing immediate physical results, such as weight loss, think about the other benefits, like the way you feel.  By continually updating your motives to go after your health goals, they become easier to accomplish.

3.  Do I have a plan?  If you are wanting to improve your nutrition, you need to do some research as to what good nutrition is.  Ask an expert, explore online, do some reading.  Beachbody has great meal plans that are available to Club Members.  If you are interested, ask me and I can show you how to become a Club Member.  After you have done your homework, then start small.  For example, if you are trying to avoid pasta, don't eliminate it altogether.  Wean yourself off by using smaller servings. This is the same for exercise.  Come up with a weekly plan.  Write it down as part of your daily schedule.  Stick to it.  Start small, develop the habit, and you will be more likely to stick with it. Succeeding at modest challenges is likely to imspire you to see what else you can do. Remember to reward yourself every now and then for your accomplishments.

If you need help, trying to get started or even continuing to make progress in whatever you have started, please let me know.  At the end of every day, these questions would be good to ask yourself.  I know personally, I'm constantly having to motivate myself.  It's so easy to get busy and sidetracked.  We are more productive in our jobs, with our family and friends, and in life itself when we are taking care of ourselves.


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